Consumers eager to return to Canada’s On Premise as summer approaches.
Consumers are ready to return to the On Premise as summer approaches and outdoor space remains an important factor influencing consumers visitation to restaurants and bars
Discover the changing behaviours, motivations and needs states of your brands' consumers
Consumers are ready to return to the On Premise as summer approaches and outdoor space remains an important factor influencing consumers visitation to restaurants and bars
CGA’s consumer pulse survey reveals major potential from football in reopening venues
From booking a reservation, to ordering and all the way to payment, smartphone technology such as apps, QR codes and other new payment methods have been a key change catalyst in the way consumers interact with restaurants.
Consumers are growing more confident as they start to eat and drink out again after lockdown, CGA’s latest research shows.
Takeout and delivery is attracting 25% of On Premise consumers from bars and restaurants, CGA’s On Premise User Study reveals.
How drinks brands can build successful growth strategies
What are the short, medium and long term trends we can foresee for the On Premise market
The majority of consumers feel confident enough to return to pubs, bars and restaurants after England’s lockdown, a new CGA survey shows.
Most consumers will remain sharply focused on safety despite a growing boldness about going out as lockdown restrictions ease.
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