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Business optimism improving across UK eating and drinking-out market

Optimism in the eating and drinking-out market has risen to its highest point for 18 months, the latest Business Confidence Survey reveals—but senior executives remain wary of squeezed consumer spending and rising costs as 2020 nears.

The exclusive quarterly survey of business leaders across the UK pub, bar and restaurant market indicates that 44% are optimistic about prospects for the eating and drinking-out sector over the next 12 months. That figure is substantially up on 30% in the last survey three months ago, and is at the highest point since May 2018.


Future gazing

What do the next few years have in store for eating and drinking-out businesses? A Peach 2020 panel of leaders from three different sectors—Bartlett Mitchell’s Wendy Bartlett, Revolution Bars Group’s CEO Rob Pitcher and Jane O’Riordan, chair of several big brands—explored some of the big challenges.


Five big drinks trends: Cider

How has the cider category performed in 2019? CGA’s Paul Bolton shared a host of insights at the recent Drink Tank conference. Here are five of his messages about the £2bn-a-year market.


Five big drinks trends: Spirits

The spirits category of the on-trade is changing fast, so what are the big developments to follow? CGA’s Philip Montgomery served up some of the most significant trends to the Drink Tank conference.


Five big drinks trends: Wine

On-trade wine sales have been falling, but there are big opportunities to revive interest in a key drinks segment. At the recent Drink Tank conference, CGA’s Charlie Mitchell laid out some of the big trends to follow in 2020.


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