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Hospitality leaders voice fears on points-based immigration plans

Business leaders in hospitality think the sector needs better support on immigration to avoid crippling labour shortages. That is one of the exclusive headline findings emerging out of CGA’s 2020 Business Leaders’ Survey, the annual gauge of what the industry thinks. The poll reveals widespread concerns over a points-based system of immigration, and support for temporary visas to help fill vacancies in restaurants, pubs and bars.


Valentine’s Day in the GB On-Trade

Valentine’s Day weekend promises to bring an influx of diners into outlets with an uplift in sales of #cocktails, #sparklingwine, #champagne and food predicted. Check out our lovely video highlighting the latest Valentine’s Day out-of-home trends


Rum in the on premise

In the GB market, cocktail growth is now at 10% growth year on year, taking the value of the category past the £600m mark for the very first time in 2020, with rum featuring heavily in this growth.


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