Uncovering global bartender opportunities for beverage success

Global Bartender Report

Powered by BarSights

BarSights is the largest study into hospitality professionals globally, surveying 1,500 hospitality professionals around the world, allowing for comprehensive insights into a crucial audience for you and your brands.


The study is strengthened by working with bartender associations, through capturing high-quality responses from committed hospitality recipients.  BarSights powers our Global Bartender Report, presenting an invaluable opportunity for beverage suppliers to connect with and drive advocacy among bartenders worldwide. 

This industry-leading study delves into the insights, preferences, and trends within the global bartender community.

The report will explore:

  • Bartender role experience
  • Industry knowledge and drinks trends
  • Ordering and Menu development
  • Bartender advocacy
  • Supplier relations & training
  • Bar Community and active involvement


Download more information about the report – available now. 

Why bartender engagement matters
Understanding how bartenders think and behave can power significant growth in drinks sales—and a major new report from CGA by NIQ gives suppliers the insights they need to unlock the potential.
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BarSights: Discover more about the study

BarSights is the largest study into hospitality professionals globally, surveying 1,500 bartenders around the world for comprehensive insights into a crucial audience for your brands.

Dylan Battick, Senior Consumer Research Executive, explores the importance of the bartender community and talks about the research methodology of the study, powering CGA’s Global Bartender Report.

Explore more bartender insights to unlock beverage potential

CGA by NIQ provides many more insights into bartender engagement and brand advocacy around the world, helping bar leaders, teams, distributors and manufacturers identify opportunities and grow sales and share. To learn more, get in touch. 

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