How to reach the powerful Gen Z
CGA’s new On Premise User Survey (OPUS) Lite service in South Africa provides superb insights into the habits and value of pioneering Gen Z consumers. It highlights more than half (52%) of adults in this category visit the On Premise at least weekly—three percentage points more than the proportion among all consumers.
The survey reveals how Gen Z can be reached via social media and ethics. Nearly two in three (63%) use Instagram—12 percentage points above average—and 70% often get ideas of where to go to eat or drink from their friends’ social media feeds. Meanwhile, four in five (81%) think it’s important that the food and drink products they buy are produced by sustainable and ethical businesses. Other lifestyle priorities include socialising with family and friends and progressing careers.
Understanding On Premise choices
OPUS lite also highlights important differences in Gen Z consumers’ drinks choices compared to other age groups. They over-index for cocktails by eight percentage points and have an average of five options in their cocktail repertoire—two more than those in the boomer generation. This offers a huge opportunity for spirits manufacturers to take advantage of and tap into this engaged segment.
In other categories, Gen Z is seven and three percentage points more likely than average to buy soft drinks and cider, but three and six percentage points less likely to choose wine and beer.
Occasion opportunities and more
CGA’s research also has the power to pinpoint Gen Z’s channel choices. For example, nine in ten (90%) typically visit experience-led venues—nine percentage points above the proportion among all consumers.
OPUS delivers many more insights into consumers’ On Premise interactions. The service dives deep into sentiment, paths to purchase and hot topics like the cost of living crisis, experimentation and social media, helping businesses make successful data-driven decisions on marketing and sales strategies.
George Argyropoulos, CGA Client Solutions Director, said: “Gen Z are possibly the most valuable demographic in South Africa for drinks
suppliers and manufacturers to engage. Investing in a deep understanding of why, where and when they drink out, and how they make their decisions, can be repaid many times over in extra sales and brand loyalty. Crucially, with Gen Z likely to continue their On Premise habits throughout their lives, benefits will be felt not just now but for many years to come.”
CGA by NIQ’s new consumer research solutions are available now in South Africa, and are the ideal solution for both short-term gains in category and channel share and long-term strategic planning. To learn more about CGA’s capabilities and the events, click here and email george.argyropolous@nielseniq.com.