CGA by NIQ Christmas Report: Cost of living bites and markets lose shine
The cost-of-living crisis put a squeeze on British consumers’ spending over the festive season that has continued into 2025, CGA’s Christmas Report shows.
The cost-of-living crisis put a squeeze on British consumers’ spending over the festive season that has continued into 2025, CGA’s Christmas Report shows.
With 9 in 10 consumers ordering dessert during out-of-home visits, the opportunities for wholesalers and operators are anything but half-baked.
On Premise venues and suppliers have generated solid growth in drinks sales in March thanks to brighter weather, the Six Nations and St Patrick’s Day.
De Nederlandse horecasector is een evenwichtsoefening van unieke uitdagingen en substantiële kansen, en het OPUS-marktoverzicht 2025 van CGA by NIQ laat zien hoe drankmerken, leveranciers en horeca-exploitanten optimaal kunnen inspelen op het gedrag van belangrijke consumentengroepen.
The Dutch HoReCa sector is a balancing act of unique challenges and substantial opportunities – and CGA by NIQ’s OPUS survey reveals how drinks brands, suppliers and hospitality operators can optimally engage with key consumer groups.
Britain’s leading restaurant groups continued to struggle for growth in delivery and takeaway sales in February 2025, CGA by NIQ’s Hospitality at Home Tracker reveals.
Rather than eating in a hotel restaurant or getting room service, half of hotel guests are likely to order food for delivery or dine at alternative restaurants during a stay, the latest GO Technology report in partnership with Zonal, reveals.
Beer has increased its share of BevAl sales at the expense of wine and spirits, CGA by NIQ’s latest On Premise Measurement (OPM) reveals.
CGA by NIQ’s Tom Graham, Senior Manager, delves into NIQ data across both On-Premise and Off-Premise channels to highlight the importance of the international beer segment within the broader beer category.
Jak dostawcy i operatorzy mogą wpływać na decyzje konsumentów w kanale On Premise w Polsce? Nowe badanie CGA by NIQ ujawnia najskuteczniejsze sposoby oddziaływania na wybory konsumentów i zdobywania większego udziału w rynku
How can suppliers and operators intervene on consumers’ journeys through the On Premise in Poland? New CGA by NIQ research reveals some of the most effective ways to influence decisions and gain new share.
Matthew Crompton, CGA by NIQ Vice President On Premise, talks the latest data, statistics, and market trends for Bar & Restaurant News: On Trend in the On Premise.
Rachel Weller, Commercial Leader UK & Ireland, discusses the rising trend of moderation in the spirits category. She highlights the importance of adapting to this shift by tapping into the growing no and low alcohol category and focusing on awareness, availability, and stylish serve strategies.
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