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CGA by NIQ launches their On Premise User Survey (OPUS) into the Vietnamese market, bringing a ‘new world’ of On Premise insights. Established for over a decade and used by leading beverage companies in over 14 countries around the world, OPUS is well established as the definitive solution for On Premise consumer insights.
Initial insights from OPUS reveal significant engagement with the On Premise by Vietnamese consumers as 87% visit the channel at least weekly. As an already highly engaged audience, consumers are eager to increase their visits further in 2023, showing the importance held for the channel by the Vietnamese and suppliers alike.
Coming to Vietnam for the first time, OPUS offers an unparalleled understanding of On Premise behaviours, occasions and preferences alongside the ability to uniquely profile specific brand and category consumers as well as the most valuable sub-channels.
The most popular venue types consumers are visiting the On Premise for are primarily food-led. This is closely followed by beer gardens, and bars and clubs are also popular. Leading occasions across visits are high tempo drinks (50%), special occasions (49%) and after work drinks (40%). The Beer category dominates, with over half of all visitors drinking it when out, followed by Spirits, which is centered around Cocktails and Whisk(e)y, and No/Low alcohol drinks. Notable insights reveal the attraction to both local and international brands when choosing what to drink.
The Vietnamese On Premise is a land of treat and trial. Consumers opt for well-known brands to drink, while also seeking new and interesting brands – further supported by 1 in 2 consumers who have purchased both new and familiar drinks brands when out in venues.
Alongside NPD opportunities, there’s a notable shift to premiumisation among consumers in Vietnam, as over 4 in 5 consumers (82%), state they are likely to pay extra for a better-quality drink when in the On Premise. This willingness to spend more on higher quality drinks is likely aligned with consumers’ occasions they would typically visit the On Premise for such as special occasions.
Vietnam’s On Premise is vast, and there are significant differences within the types of channels available to consumers, the reasons for their visits and what they drink; offering huge opportunities for suppliers to create distinct winning channel and occasion strategies that lean into the nuanced behaviour of consumers in the market, all through CGA’s leading On Premise insights.
Scott Elliott, CGA’s Managing Director – Expansion Markets, said: “CGA by NIQ is delighted to launch its tried and tested solutions into the Vietnamese market for the first time, strengthening our delivery of world-class data and insights for suppliers. OPUS brings a ‘new world’ of On Premise insights to Vietnam – a market with such growth potential, and we believe that suppliers will now finally have the data required to make confident investment decisions to drive growth, and reduce the risk associated with building brands in the On Premise. For a channel that is so incredibly important to brand trial, brand equity and continued consumption in both On and Off Premise, CGA’s solutions are proven to be game changers for those suppliers able to leverage them well in strategy-building and with their customers.”
Accessible via a package of core outputs and custom projects, and a proprietary self-serve platform, OPUS is the single source of understanding what consumers are doing in the On Premise and why. To learn more about CGA’s consumer research across Vietnam, download more information here, or contact Scott Elliott at Scott.x.Elliott@nielseniq.com