Wetherspoon seeks new alliance on VAT

A change of tack on the campaign to cut VAT in the eating and drinking out sector has been signalled by JD Wetherspoon’s decision to pull out of the group coordinated by Jacques Borel.

A change of tack on the campaign to cut VAT in the eating and drinking out sector has been signalled by JD Wetherspoon’s decision to pull out of the group coordinated by Jacques Borel.

Wetherspoon founder Tim Martin has long called for greater support of a VAT cut in the industry, and said a new approach was needed. “I have decided that Wetherspoon can no longer support the VAT Club JB in its present form and believe there now needs to be an alliance of companies who believe, as I do, that a VAT cut is vital for the future of the hospitality sector. I will be working hard in the coming weeks to take this forward.”

But he also paid tribute to Borel’s work. “He has led the way and has made great progress in terms of raising the profile of the case for a VAT cut and also for engaging with MPs and policy makers. I hope that those in the industry will appreciate the time and effort that he has put into the campaign. It is a shame that some big companies have not supported the campaign to date.”

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