CGA’s On Premise Measurement (OPM) service shows vodka attracted 32 cents in every dollar spent on spirits in Australia’s licensed outlets in the last 12 months. With 34% of all sales by volume, it means that for every 20 spirits served in pubs and bars, 7 are vodka.
The exclusive OPM solution provides expert analysis of vodka trading across Australia’s On Premise, helping spirits manufacturers and suppliers optimise their sales and marketing strategies. It indicates that bars are the most popular channel, generating an average of $620,000 to the average Australian bar and claiming 33% of total vodka sales.
However, the distribution of vodka is evolving, and bars have lost 3.2 percentage points of their share of volumes in the last 12 months. Vodka has increased in popularity in pubs and restaurants, which have gained 0.5 and 1.7 percentage points of share respectively. Vodka has a much higher average selling price in bars, so the move towards pubs and restaurants may be a result of consumers seeking lower priced vodkas to save money. Hotels, which often have a similarly premium vodka offering, have also lost share at a time when consumers are conscious of value.
CGA’s analysis explores vodka sales by state in Australia. It shows Queensland now has 27% of volumes and has overtaken New South Wales (24%) as the most valuable region over the last year. Queensland has also increased volume sales by 3% year-on-year, in stark contrast to double-digit drops in New South Wales (down 16%) and Victoria (down 13%).
Tom Graham, CGA by NIQ’s senior manager, customer success – ANZ, said: “Vodka’s versatility and resonance across different venues and populations makes it comfortably Australia’s top out-of-home spirit. However, in line with global trends, sales have been under significant pressure in 2024, and vodka is increasingly challenged by alternative drinks. To protect sales and share, suppliers must precision-target the right outlets in the right locations and adapt to people’s changing needs. Our OPM service provides the support they need to combat challenges and seize opportunities.”
To learn more about CGA by NIQ’s On Premise Measurement solutions in Australia, and discuss support to understand trends at category, segment and brand level, click here and contact Tom Graham at Tom.Graham@nielseniq.com.