While Tequila is rapidly becoming one of the most popular spirits globally, North American markets are where the category is really showing its greatest On Premise potential. Particularly in the US, whose mature Tequila market is increasingly challenging the country’s leading spirits categories, Whiskey and Vodka.
CGA’s BeverageTrak data, which combines powerful datasets to provide a view of how, when and at what price drinks categories are being ordered and distributed across the US, show that Tequila has remained consistently the third biggest spirits category throughout the whole of 2022, despite its sales velocity dropping slightly as the year entered its last quarter.
As for Tequila’s regional accomplishments, California remains the category’s leading market, having secured a significant 15% growth in 2022 over the previous year. It is in Illinois however, that Tequila experienced its most remarkable regional performance last year. While it remains the smallest of the US’ key states, Illinois saw a staggering year-on-year velocity increase of 45%, over-indexing considerably the wider spirits category, which grew by a much more modest 7%.
To read more, download the full report here.
CGA’s OPUS research provides a rich resource of data and insights that helps manufacturers, suppliers and operators answer category, channel, occasion, and brand questions, and optimise sales and marketing strategies across the US’ On Premise industry. Meanwhile, BeverageTrak data combines powerful datasets to provide an ultra-granular view of how drinks categories are being ordered and distributed across the US.
Get in touch with Andrew Hummel, Client Solutions Director – Americas, at Andrew.Hummel@nielseniq.com to learn more.
Originally published in Global Drinks Intel Magazine