Inside the minds of German On Premise consumers: Path to Purchase revealed

The German On Premise experienced a slight increase in the number of consumers going out for drinks in May versus April 2024, highlighting ongoing recovery and growth opportunities for key sector stakeholders.



Ulrike Faber -​ Lead of Category/Industry Sales Beverages & Confectionery​ said: It’s no longer optional for brands, suppliers and operators to understand the specific moments influencing a consumer’s decision to purchase in the On Premise environment. It‘s a necessity for succeeding. The latest Pulse Report drills down into the influential touchpoints shaping consumer choices, from the impact of visual prompts on menus to the power of social influences and bartender recommendations. For all these reasons, industry stakeholders are equipped to devise targeted strategies for consumer engagement at every stage of their journey by tapping into these insights and utilising the deeper OPUS data available.



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