The report provides brands, suppliers, and operators with a nuanced understanding of the occasions that drive On Premise visits, equipping them to design and implement targeted strategies that give cause for celebration during the holiday season and into 2024.
Consumer engagement with the On Premise channel remains steady, with Christmas and New Year expected to draw consumers to bars and restaurants. For visitation plans of consumers during the holiday period, 62% intend to go out during the holiday period, with intended visitation levels increasing as the countdown continues and the spirit of the season mounts. Visitation plans break down into consumers planning visits the week before Christmas (74%) and after Christmas in the days leading up to New Year’s Eve (51%).
So, where are they planning to celebrate when they go out? The data shows diverse venue preferences, with 44% choosing casual dining chains, 40% opting for independently owned restaurants, 35% selecting fine dining restaurants, and 31% expecting to visit neighborhood bars.
When it comes to seeing in the New Year, a third of consumers plan to visit On Premise on New Year’s Eve, increasing by +20pp amongst under 35s. They will most likely party with friends (49%), followed closely by a partner/spouse (48%). Venue preferences for New Year’s Eve include fine dining restaurants (32%), nightclubs (31%), and hotel bars and restaurants (28%). Late evening is the most popular daypart, ahead of an early evening crowd that disperses before the clock strikes midnight.
Interestingly, almost half of consumers who are going out on New Year’s Eve have pre-booked, with a further 27% who haven’t pre-booked yet but plan to do so. Furthermore, the pre-booking trend extends to drinks. 39% of consumers have pre-booked and pre-paid for a premium drinks package, while a further quarter have done likewise for a standard drinks package. This reflects not only a consumer preference to get organized and avoid lengthy queues at the bar, but also a compelling opportunity for venues to design profitable packages and take the money before consumers have even arrived on-site.
Matthew Crompton, Regional Director – Americas said: “In navigating the evolving On Premise landscape for 2024, it’s essential for brands, suppliers and operators to understand the nuanced consumer plans during the festive period, with diverse visitation patterns emerging, especially among the younger demographic. Exploring drink preferences, venue choices, and preferred timing preferences provides valuable insights for businesses to tailor offerings and marketing strategies.”
CGA’s On Premise Impact Reports help suppliers and manufactures across food and beverage keep a pulse on the industry by featuring current insights derived from a variety of our best-in-class data tools.
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