The closure of many of Europe’s bars, pubs and restaurants led many consumers to reach for the cocktail cabinet at home—but CGA research reveals that mixed drinks remain in high demand across the continent.
Consumer data from 11 European markets, supplemented by sales data in France, Great Britain and Ireland, reveals that more than a quarter (28%) of all On Premise users now choose to drink cocktails while out. This is notably higher than the global average of 25% that was recorded across all 25 markets in CGA’s worldwide research.
However, engagement varies significantly from place to place. Cocktails are much more embedded in some countries than others, and this affects the volume, demographics and preferences of cocktail drinkers. Italy tops the list of cocktail-consuming countries, with more than one in three (36%) of On Premise users typically choosing cocktails there. A third (33%) select them in three other countries in the study, including Switzerland and Russia in Europe.
The cocktail market is one of the most dynamic parts of the On Premise all around Europe, and there is significant reward for brands and bars that can provide the right experiences,” says Graeme Loudon. “To do that, operators and suppliers will need to work together to understand the subtle but crucial changes in consumer habits since markets reopened, and take a hyper-local approach to curating the right range of spirits and cocktails for each outlet. The only constant in the cocktail category is change—but for businesses that stay on top of trends and get the offer right, there is a lot to look forward to.”
To read more from the report, download here.
CGA’s Mixed Drinks report gives extensive insight and expert analysis into cocktail consumers’ behaviour around the world, and is complemented by in-depth sales data in many markets. The CGA Mixed Drinks Report is now available in Germany, France, Ireland and Great Britain, alongside existing reports across APAC and the Americas, with further European markets available in early 2022, allowing drinks suppliers to understand the dynamics of cocktails and shape cocktail strategies. To learn more about how it can support the sales and marketing strategies of all suppliers and operators, contact charlie.mitchell@cgastrategy.com.
Originally published in Global Drinks Intel. Magazine.