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The insights come from CGA’s exclusive REACH research, which delivers expert analysis of key habits and trends in Poland, based on a survey of more than 1,000 consumers. It reveals the widespread opportunities for brands in a dynamic and engaged market. But to take full advantage, businesses need a deep understanding of how consumers are choosing their drinks. Here are five of the best touchpoints for influence revealed by CGA’s research.

1 Menus online…
Nearly half of Poland’s consumers say they regularly seek information before visiting a venue—and menus are often their primary focus. More than two in five (43%) look for food menus and nearly a third (30%) for drink menus. Suppliers who gain prominence on these menus can get a head start in the competition for spend.
2 … And in venues
High visibility on menus is also important when consumers are inside bars, restaurants, cafes or similar venues. Nearly a quarter (23%) say they typically look at menus when they choose their drinks. Descriptions of drinks need to be carefully considered, as they influence 18% of guests.
3 Pictures
Written descriptions are important, but pictures can be even more influential. Nearly a quarter (24%) of consumers say they look for pictures of the food served before visiting, and 18% look for pictures of drinks—a figure that has jumped by 4% year-on-year. Visual appeal has become essential after the surge in popularity of social media like Instagram and TikTok.
4 Reviews and recommendations
Brands can also secure extra sales if they get prominence in reviews and build word of mouth. Two in five (39%) consumers typically look for positive reviews before choosing a venue—a sharp increase of 7 percentage points year-on-year. Recommendations from friends or family influence 27% of guests when they are making decisions in venues.
5 Bartenders
Bartenders are a primary stopping point on Poles’ paths to purchase. Nearly a fifth (18%) say they ask bartenders what is available before ordering—3 percentage points more than a year ago. Nearly as many (15%) ask bartenders or waiting staff for recommendations. Engaging with staff, especially via training, is crucial for all suppliers. There are many more insights into achieving this in CGA’s Global Bartender Report and Bars in 2035: Insights From the Leaders.
CGA by NIQ’s REACH research delivers expert insights into consumers’ engagement with the On Premise in Poland and many more countries worldwide. To discover how REACH and other CGA solutions can support winning On Premise strategies and opportunities across Poland, click here and contact Abhi Sehgal here.