US On Premise visitors overwhelmingly satisfied with experience

Despite changes made at bars and restaurants to account for COVID-19, visitors are extremely positive about their experiences in the On Premise since re-opening.

With the US On Premise now allowed to fully re-open in all states, any concerns that customers would be unhappy with their experience in restaurants and bars post-COVID-19 are unfounded. Almost 9 in 10 (87%) state they have been “very satisfied” or “satisfied” with their overall experience in these venues.


This correlates with over a third (35%) stating that they are tipping more than pre-COVID-19, with a further 61% tipping the same amount. However, venue staff may be keen for digital menus and QR codes to be phased out, with 22% of consumers stating they tip less when ordering digitally compared to ordering through staff. 3 in 5 say they tip the same irrespective of ordering channel and 18% say they tip more when ordering digitally.


When specific parts of a consumer’s On Premise experience are explored further, satisfaction is higher with elements based around ordering and service in venues as opposed to the beverages that are being served.


  • 4 in 5 are “very satisfied” or “satisfied” with the overall quality of service. This peaks at 84% among those aged 55+, falling to 72% of 18-34 year olds.
  • Three quarters are “very satisfied” or “satisfied” with the time it takes to order, with differences by age also evident in this area. Two-thirds of under 35s are satisfied vs. 4 in 5 over 55s.
  • The same proportion (75%) are “very satisfied” or “satisfied” with the time it takes to receive an order, with likelihood to be satisfied again increasing with age (78% for over 55s vs. 69% for under 55s).


These lower satisfaction ratings among younger consumers suggest the types of venues they are visiting have been more negatively impacted by changes in how orders are placed and issues with staffing levels. Drinks manufacturers and suppliers should look to engage with On Premise operators to explore ways they may be able to help make improvements in these areas.


7 in 10 (71%) are satisfied with the variety of drink brands available and with only 4% dissatisfied, On Premise choice is not causing issues for the vast majority of consumers.


Over half (56%) of On Premise visitors are satisfied with the price of drinks, with just over 1 in 10 (12%) dissatisfied in this area. Venues may want to promote Happy Hours and LTO’s to help drive better perceptions of value as visitation to bars and restaurants continues post-COVID-19.


There is real enthusiasm among US consumers as they return to the On Premise. Huge numbers are having a positive experience overall and if some small improvements can be made as venues get used to operating at full capacity again then the signs are encouraging for bars and restaurants for the remainder of the summer and beyond.


CGA’s consumer research sampled 1,886 LDA On Premise consumers across four key states (California, Florida, New York & Texas) between Friday and Monday (July 2 to July 5).  To access the latest COVID-19 On Premise Impact report, click here.


CGA will be closely tracking consumers’ confidence, habits, and preferences as the On Premise is now at full trading. To learn more about how CGA’s consumer research can support the recovery strategies of both operators and suppliers, email

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